The Real Hunger Games

The Real Hunger Games

We have all heard of the notorious Hunger Games. Even those who may not have read the books, or seen the movies probably hear what the buzz is all about. I have read all three and saw all the movies.

But seriously though? Why is everyone so fascinated with these books? Well for starters we have the female heroin in the story, thats pretty big! There is a love triangle between Katniss, Gale and Peeta. Katniss takes her sister, Prim's place at the reaping. And then is paired with none other then Peeta Mellark, the bakers son.

There are twelve districts in Panem (The remainding cities of America after wars broke loose and wiped out most of the U.S.) Anyways the districts are run down, ill fed, and are bearly scrapping by. 

In the Hunger Games there are two picked from each District at the reaping, making 24 contestants all together. The Capitol (which runs all of the districts) do not participate becasue they are born into nobility and class status. They dress colorfully and in the most bizare ways imaginable! Oh and did I mention they have so much food, that they will throw up after eating a full meal just so they can eat even more. Wasteful!!!! The Capitol promises the last surviving person in the Games, glory, riches, clothes and guess what... food! They treat the districts horrible, and yet they get all the benifits from them.

Is this starting to ring a bell? Well the more I looked into the Fashion Industry in America, the more connections I made. The Fashion Industry takes what it wants from whoever they want, and turn there heads from their consiquences, like nothing is going on at all. They don't care whether the people providing literally EVERYTHING for them get injured, live in poverty, don't have food or even get KILLED! The more I thought about it the more the connections grew. The Hunger Games isn't some peice of fiction book. IT IS VERY MUCH REAL!!! They just try to distract and cover up what is happening around us with things such as, Black Friday (this one is HUGE), Fake news, The Superbowl, Malls, Clothing advertisments everwhere from magazines, facebook, ads and commercials on TV and more.

THE FASHION INDUSTRY IS THE CAPITOL! And THE HUNGER GAMES are other people suffering for us. Purchasing clothing made by the sweat and blood of others is not okay, and it can NEVER be justified. Stand up and Rebel! Buy Fair Trade to bring down the tyranny of Fast Fashion! People shouldn't have to starve, live in poverty and die for our clothing and products!

simple + slow

simple + slow

In today's world everything is moving so quickly. We get up to an alarm tired, groggy and work a 9-5 life. But why? Why such a hurry? New this, new that, more this and more of that. Doesn't it get tiring?

Let's reel back in the simpler, softer and slower life. Who's with me! Just start with decluttering. It's simple. Figure out what you actually use and what you haven't touched in a few months. You can choose to throw it out if it's in bad shape, or better yet donate if it's in decent condition :) 

Now this is the tricky part! Feeling like you "need" to buy more things. Now here is an exellent rule I saw online if you go to buy something make sure it is something you don't already have one of. And if you do get something also get rid of something 
(helps make sure it doesn't get cluttered again).

I know personally for me I am trying to avoid fast fashion all together. If you click the link and better yet watch the movie then you will understand. Our fast paced, always wanting more come at a cost, but whose cost will it be? Will it be the cost of a persons life? Is a $3.00 super clearance sale tshirt really WORTH A HUMAN LIFE? How about OVER 1,000 LIVES?  When does this insanity end? 

I believe the following to be true, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." God calls us to bear His image, and show others the Love He shows and gives us. Now being a follower of Jesus, I know He would not stand for the injustices of the "Fashion Industry". I believe He would want us to strive to rise above and help create a safer and better way for others, by means of Fair Trade. Which is why I will no longer support "Fast Fashion". I don't want others suffering for something I am going to wear a few times and get rid of; not even stopping to think about the people behind the clothes themselves.

Stores like H&M, Forever21, Pac Sun, Rue 21, Abercrombie & Fitch, Hollister, American Eagle, Victoria's Secret, Roxy, PINK, Aerie... and so many more, starting now I am done supporting! Now obviously if I was rich I would make the change overnight. But it is okay that it will be a slow process in buying better ethically sourced, organic and sweatshop free clothing and goods. And that is totally okay! Baby steps turn into huge grown up steps in the right direction! And there are tons of Fair Trade clothing stores you can purchase from too! Which I will list in my next post!

Please, please, please! Just stop and consider the "True Cost" of even just one article of your clothing! Think about if they have kids to feed, or if there loved ones died for the clothing you are wearing, or maybe the person themselves could be dead now. Just ask yourself one simple question. "Is it worth it?"